I’ll Have to Take a Medium Break

Nicole Hilbig
Aug 30, 2022

At least for 3 months

Image by Fly_dragonfly on Adobe Stock.

Some of you already know that there is soon a small addition to our family. In about a week I have to go on a baby break and due to the new circumstances I can’t write any new stories for the time being.

Unfortunately, time doesn’t allow it, which is why I can only focus on the new family member.

I hope to be able to continue reading enough stories from you here and there and to try to stay up to date so as not to lose touch completely.

However, I know that I have to take a baby break for at least three months.

You know research work and qualitative articles don’t do well with just 1 hour of sleep a night.😉

See you in 3 months with new good stuff. Hopefully. 🤗



Nicole Hilbig

I love learning and writing about the changes in our digital era. My topics are future, work, productivity, writing, education & personal stories.